
Privacy Notice


The company named CENTRAL CARGO TRUCKING, S.A. DE C.V., located at Carretera Guadalajara-Morelia No. 2073, Col. Buenavista, Tlajomulco de Zúñiga, Jalisco, Mexico, C.P. 45640, in compliance with the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties and its regulations, informs you that it is responsible for collecting your personal data, using them, and protecting them to prevent unauthorized treatment, alteration, destruction, or damage to your personal data.


The personal data you provide to the company through its offices, corporate emails, website, official social networks, or by phone, by filling out physical or electronic forms; The company complies with all the requirements and principles stipulated by the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties and its respective regulations.

The data that the company collects and obtains are the following:

  • Identification data (Clients, employees, suppliers, etc.).
    • Full name (first name(s), paternal surname, maternal surname), gender, marital status, date of birth, occupation.
    • Address (street, number, neighborhood, municipality, state, and postal code).
    • Contact phones (mobile, home, office).
    • Proof of address.
    • Email.
    • Identification document (INE, PASSPORT, LICENSE, MILITARY ID, or PROFESSIONAL ID).
    • Articles of Incorporation and Power of Attorney of the Legal Representative.
    • Birth Certificate.
    • Resume.
  • Billing data.
    • Entity where the charge will be made.
    • Fiscal address.
    • RFC.
  • Financial data.
    • Payment method.
    • Account holder, account number, card number, and CLABE.
    • Account statements.
  • Accounting data.
    • Tax compliance certificate.
    • Quotation and Billing.

The company CENTRAL CARGO TRUCKING, S.A. DE C.V., requests the following SENSITIVE data for the hiring of its personnel:

  • Socioeconomic studies.
  • Certificate of No Criminal Record.

To obtain the aforementioned data, the company obtains the express consent of the holder, as established by Article 9 of the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties.

Additionally, we collect information necessary to verify and confirm your identity to perform the professional services contracted to the company, requested at our offices, website, official social networks, corporate emails, and by phone, as well as to fulfill contractual obligations.

To contract our professional services, we require access to the information previously indicated and which may be found in your instruction letters, customs declarations, and merchandise reports for the management and control of operations carried out through our operating system, according to the type of contract or business subject.

Similarly, the processing of NON-SENSITIVE third-party personal data that you provide to us is done in accordance with the terms and conditions stipulated in this privacy notice. Therefore, you express your consent to the processing of your personal data in accordance with the terms and conditions of this privacy notice.


Your personal data will be used for the following primary and secondary purposes:

Primary purposes
The personal data will be used to: (i) provide the requested and/or contracted services; (ii) respond to your information, attention, and service requests; (iii) evaluate the quality of the service we provide; (iv) data verification; (v) internal databases and files; (vi) internal, statistical, and commercial control; (vii) financial management, billing, and collection; (viii) the information we obtain through the website, corporate emails, and social networks; (ix) fulfill the obligations and commitments we have contracted with you.

Secondary purposes
The personal data will be used to: (i) Send information about new services; (ii) send promotions; (iii) send advertising about our services.

Additionally, we will use your personal information for the following purposes that are not necessary for the requested service but allow us to provide you with better service:

To receive notifications if you need to exercise the rights of Access, Rectification, Cancellation, and Opposition, abbreviated as "A.R.C.O.", a procedure described below.


If you wish for your personal data not to be used from this moment for the purposes described in the SECONDARY PURPOSES , section, you can send an email to, requesting NON-consent for the use and processing of your personal data for all or some secondary purposes described in this privacy notice. We will promptly address your request and cease using or processing your personal data for the secondary purposes you indicate.


You have the right to access your personal data that we hold and to know the details of its processing, as well as to rectify them if they are inaccurate or incomplete; cancel them when you consider they are not required for any of the purposes stated in this privacy notice; are being used for non-consented purposes; the contractual or service relationship has ended; oppose their processing for specific purposes. Exercising the right of opposition DOES NOT imply that you will stop receiving products or services from the company CENTRAL CARGO TRUCKING, S.A. DE C.V.

The mechanisms implemented for exercising these rights are through sending the respective request to the email; This request can be requested electronically or at any of the offices of the company CENTRAL CARGO TRUCKING, S.A. DE C.V. The official request form to exercise your "A.R.C.O." rights and which will only be accepted, is provided by the company CENTRAL CARGO TRUCKING, S.A. DE C.V., and must contain the following information:

  • 1. The holder's name, address, and email to communicate the response to your request.
  • 2. Indicate which right is intended to be exercised; If it is Access, Rectification, Cancellation, or Opposition.
  • 3. The clear and precise description of the personal data regarding which any of the rights are sought to be exercised.
  • 4. Copy of valid official identification (voter ID, passport, military ID) to prove your identity as the data holder. If the procedure is carried out by a representative, a power of attorney signed before two witnesses with a copy of the official identification of the data holder must be presented.

The maximum response time by the company CENTRAL CARGO TRUCKING, S.A. DE C.V. with the decision adopted on your request will be within twenty working days from the date the Access, Rectification, Cancellation, or Opposition "A.R.C.O." request was received.

If your request is deemed appropriate, to make it effective, within a maximum period of fifteen working days from the date the favorable response was communicated by the company CENTRAL CARGO TRUCKING, S.A. DE C.V. through the sending of an email, you can receive your respective report at our offices.

It is worth mentioning that both the exercise of "A.R.C.O." rights and the revocation of consent have no cost, other than that derived from the reproduction of the information.

Likewise, at any time, you can revoke the consent you have given us for the processing of your personal data, to stop using them. To do this, it is necessary to submit a petition and documents to prove your identity, under the same terms established for the exercise of Access, Rectification, Cancellation, or Opposition "A.R.C.O." rights.


Likewise, we inform you that your personal data will not be transferred or processed by persons other than the company CENTRAL CARGO TRUCKING, S.A. DE C.V. If a transfer is necessary, since we will transfer personal data, you will be notified of its transfer and the reasons for which it was carried out. If you do not express disagreement with this, it will be considered as tacit acceptance.


We reserve the right to make modifications or updates to this privacy notice at any time, to address legislative developments, internal policies, or new requirements for the provision or offering of our services. These modifications will be available to the public through the following means: a visible announcement at the offices of the company CENTRAL CARGO TRUCKING, S.A. DE C.V., or on our website


We also inform you that the website obtains the IP address, cookies, and other technologies through which it is possible to monitor your behavior as an Internet user, as well as provide you with better service and user experience while browsing our page.


The company CENTRAL CARGO TRUCKING, S.A. DE C.V., has security measures for your personal data, such as administrative, technical, and physical measures, which we ensure are complied with by the company's staff.

This document was last modified on November 3, 2020.